
MLK: A Day of Reflection

By By Jacqui Lirette January 15, 2018

Among other things, Dr. King spoke against extreme poverty, police brutality, and using any means to make voting harder for some people than others.

He was vocally against white Christians who said "Peace, peace," to those who protested injustice (saying, in fact, that they were a bigger hindrance to justice than the KKK). He brought up slavery even though it happened "so long ago." He did NOT merely protest segregation on busses and in bathrooms, and were he alive today, he would NOT think his work was done. He broke laws and staged protests and was called a troublemaker for the rest of his life.

In other words, Dr. King believed, said, and did a lot of things that would make us uncomfortable to this day.

I don't ask that you go out and march (although some are) or that you give your life for his cause (although some do), but please don't remake this man into someone who makes you comfortable. Don't cherry-pick his words. Dr. King was like Jesus, his hero: You either love him, or you want to kill him. There's no cozy in between where he makes you feel at rest. May we all live with such passion and love for our neighbor.