
Valentine's Day - New Light

By Jessica Peterson, Publisher - Macaroni Kid Pearland February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day, especially with so many taking to social media to boast about their flowers, cards, and gifts, can be a day of comparing yourself to others and coming up short or a day to be spoiled and celebrated. Either way the holiday can be a trigger for many people. My husband and I are just weeks away from celebrating our 11 year wedding anniversary. He is busy in the thick of tax season as he works at a CPA firm, and I am just around the corner from a Fun Run fundraising event at my non-profit job while also juggling mama duties to our 6 year old daughter (a 1st grader) and our 2 year old son. We are deep in the trenches of both working outside the home and also in the phase of life raising young children. We lack the time and energy to be spontaneous and openly romantic when we oftentimes are just trying to get through the week, sometimes through the day. 

I put time and effort into selecting Valentine treats for my daughter's school party and for my son's daycare friends. I made sure both our kids had a little gift to make the holiday fun, and purchased something small yet meaningful for both of their teachers. While I am at work today and missing out on the fun romanticized ideal of Valentine's Day, I honestly have a husband that loves me and shows it on a regular basis. 

Monday was a rough day for me emotionally and he listened to me vent without judgement, then told me I was so so strong and tomorrow would be a better day. Tuesday I went out for dinner with friends, and he made dinner for he and the kids and handled their bedtime routine. Wednesday he came home late after a long day at work and folded 2 baskets of clean laundry. My husband Robert shows up and does for me and our kids without judgement, without complaint, without contempt. He just loves it and shows it in many small, significant, everyday ways.

No, I didn't get flowers, and a card to signify the day. I get from him every day that he is my partner, he is on my team, he is for me, we are equals. And I and our kids are better for his sacrifices. Thank you, husband, for loving me. For loving us. Will I be your valentine? Always. Everyday, I choose us.